Friday, July 06, 2007

Things I Love About The Pink Princess

The Pink Princess is now 7 and has a strong desire to do what is right. She is eager to please, and wants to be a leader.

She is creative in her games as she has a vivid imagination. She loves writing letters to her friends, and drawing pictures for just about everyone we know.

The Princess is also stubborn - it is very hard to change her mind once she has made her decision. I hope that this will carry her far in life - in a good way.

She has a deep love of God and Jesus Christ. She finds comfort when she prays - I am glad she has learned this at a young age. Everyone should have a way that they can find some measure of peace in this crazy world.

She is still so young, but I can already see glimpses of the woman she is going to become. She is a beautiful little girl, and the love I feel for her is so overwhelming I feel as though my heart may burst at any moment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's beautiful how you write about your daughter.
Catherine, the redhead